Artists, volunteers needed for August art show

Lynn Farwell  is one of the artists participating in this year’s Originals Only art show in August.

Lynn Farwell is one of the artists participating in this year’s Originals Only art show in August.

Are you serious about wanting to show and sell your artwork?

If so, then this is a great chance for you to participate in an award-winning show.

Held at the Marina Park in Comox, the show features up to 58 artists exhibiting original paintings or sculpture, in this glorious setting at the harbour.

The second weekend in August is the annual time slot for the exhibition and sale. This year’s date;  Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 9-10,  10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

“This show is a great chance for you to participate and receive feedback about your artwork, with the real possibility of making sales,” said Christy Mitchell-O’Donnell, one of the show’s organizers, in a press release.

“The show is well attended by art clientele who come to this show with the express purpose of looking for original artwork for their homes and offices.

The cost of a single booth space is only $110 plus tax plus whatever you need to provide your shelter and display materials.

“If you have participated in years past, we encourage you to rejoin us, we often hear from clients who are looking for someone they have seen in a previous show.”

Organizers are also still looking for volunteers to help out with the show.

“If you are  interested in networking with other artists and participating in the organization of the show,  you are most welcome to join us at the next meeting.”

The committee will meet at the Flying Canoe Pub at the Westerly Hotel and Convention Centre – 1590 Clifffe Ave. Tuesdau, June 17 from 1-2 p.m. For further information, call Mitchell-O’Donnell at 250-703-2244.

Applications for the show are available online at


Comox Valley Record