The line drawing above is an example of an acceptable submission for the Community Art Council’s adult colouring book.

The line drawing above is an example of an acceptable submission for the Community Art Council’s adult colouring book.

Artists wanted for adult colouring book at Rollin Art Centre

Interested artists can submit a line drawing, 8” X 10”, of a local landmark or something that highlights the Alberni Valley.

The deadline for entries for an adult colouring book at the Rollin Art Centre has stretched until Sept. 30.

A lack of entries has lead to the deadline extension.

The adult colouring book is a fundraising initiative from the Community Arts Council that Melissa Martin, Arts Administrator, hopes to have published by Christmas.

“This was just another idea, I’m always trying to come up with fundraisers for us,” Martin said. “I thought this would be a really fun and creative way for everybody to get involved, from children to however old you are. Adult colouring books are such the craze right now I thought it would be a neat legacy for the Alberni Valley.”

Interested artists can submit a line drawing, 8” X 10”, of a local landmark or something that highlights the Alberni Valley. These drawings, black and white only, will be juried and published in the colouring book.

“Artists will not be paid but they will have their piece published in a book. The book will be done locally, published locally for sale here and wherever else if we can think of places,” Martin said.

One drawing will be chosen for the cover, picked by a jury, and all other illustrations selected will go in the spiral-bound book with nothing on the back side so if people wish they can take the drawings out and frame them.

All artists will be credited on their line drawing, and artists can submit as many drawings as they like.

“I’d love to have a 50-page book,” Martin said. “Will that happen? Chances are not. I think a 30-page book would be somewhat realistic.”


Alberni Valley News