Ladysmith potter Mary Fox has published a new book about her life and work. (Submitted)

Arts and Entertainment column: Lego challenge, Mary Fox book, Artful Christmas and live music in Cowichan

What's happening in the arts and entertainment community

The Cowichan Valley Arts Council is issuing a challenge.

“The Cowichan Valley Arts Council is challenging school classes to imagine the world of the future and show off their creativity in a familiar medium: Lego. The theme this year is Future Worlds,” CVAC said in a press release.

Each classroom entry can be 24 by 36 inches and the school that sends in the most entries will get a visit and workshop with a professional artist in 2021.

The Red Balloon Toyshop is sponsoring prizes for outstanding entries.

You can sign up to be part of the show by Nov. 25. You can register is person at The Red Balloon (158 Craig St. in Duncan) or online at The entry fee is $5.

Entries go on display as part of the annual Lots LEGO show in Portals Gallery at the Cowichan Community Centre in Duncan from Nov. 28 to Dec. 18.

Don’t have Lego? No problem. You can borrow some from the Duncan library. For more information email


CVAC also dropped us a line to let us know that the Art Bubble discussion group will be talking Picasso on Nov. 19 at 2 p.m.


The Rainforest Arts Gallery in Chemainus announced the return of Have An Artful Christmas, described as a “Christmas small works show”.

“We won’t be having a featured artist during the holiday show and instead will focus on filling Rainforest Gallery with all of your work!” the gallery said.

They’ve got more on tap as well.

“Rainforest Arts will also be participating in Moonlight Madness again this year, organized by the Chemainus Business Improvement Association,” the gallery said. “To help avoid crowds, Moonlight Madness will be spread out over two days, Friday, Nov. 27, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 28, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. We hope that many folks will be encouraged to shop and support local this year.”

The gallery is also running a holiday fundraising campaign to benefit Cowichan Women Against Violence.

“We will be collecting cash and item donations for CWAV, and every person who makes a donation will be entered into a draw for a Ray Sapergia bowl as a show of our appreciation,” the gallery said. “More information, including a list of essential items CWAV accepts as donations, will be released at a later date — keep an eye on our Facebook/Instagram pages!”


Renowned potter from Ladysmith Mary Fox has published a book about her life and work.

My Life as a Potter: Stories and Techniques, is described as a “gorgeous full-cover coffee table book that celebrates beauty and provides insight into the joys and challenges of devoting one’s life to art.”

“Part memoir, part coming-of-age story and part handbook for ceramicists, this full-colour coffee table book celebrates the art of one of Canada’s finest potters, Mary Fox.”

“A potter since the early 1970s, Fox is recognized for creating exquisite forms and distinctive textured glazes. She has shown her works internationally and at galleries across Canada. In this book she shares her plans to leave behind a legacy of support and mentorship for young artists, in the form of an artist-in-residence program steered by the Mary Fox Legacy Project Society. Royalties from this book will benefit the project.”

The book is available from Harbour Publishing.


There’s lots coming up the end of the month at the Duncan Showroom.

First up on Thursday, Nov. 19 at 7:30 p.m. is Finny McConnel of the Mahones on his 30th anniversary solo acoustic tour across Canada. Tickets for this show, if there are any left, are $25.

On Friday, Nov. 20 at 7:30 p.m. it’s all about dancing with Morgan Basslion, who, according to a press release, will help you find your “inner groove”. Dancing inside the Showroom is prohibited due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but people are invited to tune in on the Showroom’s Youtube channel, or head out to the street in front on the Showroom where a speaker will be set up so people can dance in the street, properly distanced. The Showroom asks that people make a donation for this show, encouraging $10 each.

On Friday, Nov. 27 at 7 p.m. Social Silence, Badhumanbeings and Back Talker take the stage for a night of heavy punk and metal. This one’s available in person and on the Youtube live stream. Entry is by a suggested donation of $15 to $20.

Then on Saturday, Nov. 28 at 3 p.m. Greg Bohemen is there for the release of his CD Acoustic Autopsy, followed by the Cowichan Valley Grass Roots Orchestra, of which Bohemen is a member. Tickets are a suggested $20.

On Saturday night, Nov. 28 at 7:30 p.m. Beautiful Maladies takes over with a tribute to the music of Tom Waits in what Longevity John describes as a “do not miss” concert. Seating is limited to 25 and tickets are $35.

Cowichan Valley Citizen