Arts around: Book sale a success

Arts around has got some school, some pool and a successful book sale - now that's cool.

On behalf of the Community Arts Council, I would like to thank all the many volunteers who spent countless hours helping with our 2014 annual  book sale….we could have not done this huge undertaking without all their help and the wonderful support Port Alberni shows us.

Thank you!

Art in Schools next at Rollin

The Rollin Art Centre is excited to present an entire art show dedicated to local elementary school children.

This wonderful exhibit will run until June 7th, and features 4 local elementary schools and the children who took part in Art in the Schools.

Come out and meet these talented children at their student “artists” reception, Sat. May 24th from 1-3 p.m. Join us for refreshments and wander the gallery that will showcase their artwork.

Pool your artistic talent

The Community Arts Council of the Alberni Valley in collaboration with the City of Port Alberni is looking for artists to design original permanent murals to be installed at Echo Centre Pool.

We are proposing a series of different sized murals that will cover the walls in the pool area at Echo Centre. These murals will be made out of Aluminum Composite Panels. ALL materials will be supplied.

If you are interested, please drop by the Rollin Art Centre or call for more details at 250-724-3412.

Complete application packages and guidelines are available for pick-up at the Rollin Art Centre.

Deadline for all applications is July 15.

Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to be involved with this project, to help beautify the community’s only pool.


*Melissa Martin is the Arts Administrator for the Rollin Arts Centre and Community Arts Council.

Alberni Valley News