Arts around: no more jars or cartons

A selection of events, courses and happenings in Alberni's arts and entertainment scene.

Book launch and reception

Rollin Art Centre is hosting a book launch and reception.

“Desperate Writers of Port Alberni” was penned by four local authors.

The launch and reception is on Saturday Feb., 22, in the Rollin Art Centre Gallery from 1-3 p.m.

Mosaic artist at Rollin

Our current art exhibit at the Rollin Art centre is something different.

‘Intarsia’ by Bill Townsend is being showcased. ‘Intarsia’ translated  means, “A mosaic in wood”.

Townsend’s exhibit runs until March 7.

No more jars or milk cartons

Thank you to everyone for the continuous support of your glass jars and milk cartons.

We had an over whelming response, and now we have enough for our next Celebration of Lights Festival, and the children will have their supplies.

Still on the look for books

The Rollin Art Centre is accepting gently used books, DVD’s, CD’s, and puzzles for their annual book sale, which takes place on May 10, 2014.

Please no National Geographic, Encyclopaedias, Reader’s Digest and textbooks.

Drop books at the Rollin Art Centre, inside, under the staircase in the wooden box.

This is one of the Community Arts Council’s biggest fundraisers.

Sealed bid art auction

The Rollin Art Centre will be having an art auction every month in the gallery.

Sealed bids will be taken with the successful bidder taking home a beautiful piece of donated art from local artists.

New pieces will be displayed each month so drop by the Rollin Art Centre Gallery today and place your bid. All proceeds will go toward the Rollin Art Centre and future events.

Belle’s vintage fashion show

Take a walk down memory lane.

The Centennial Belles are presenting fashion shows at Echo Centre on Saturday, April 5, at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

The $20 ticket includes tea, coffee, desserts, live and recorded music, slide show and draws.

Fashions from the roaring 20’s to the sexy 60’s and wedding attire from each decade will be shown.

Tickets on sale at the Rollin Art centre, Boutique Belles  Amies, Capelli Etc. Hair Design and metro City Clothing (Next to old Sears’s outlet on Adelaide). Cash only.

The proceeds are going to help children with cancer: James Albrecht, Brett Wasylynuik, Carmen Steinbach and their families.

Call to all Alberni artists

The Rollin Art centre is accepting applications from visual artists to exhibit their work in our Fine Arts Gallery during the 2015.

Don’t miss this opportunity to have your own art exhibit or group exhibit.

Application forms are available at the Rollin Art Centre or you can download an application at  Deadline is April 30.

The Gallery is located at the corner of Eighth Avenue and Argyle Street, and open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tues., to Sat. Call 250-724-3412  for more info.

* Melissa Martin is the Arts Administrator for the Community Arts Council, the home of the Rollin Art Centre.

Alberni Valley News