Debi Anderson refinishes and upcycles furniture at the Barking Dog Studio.

Debi Anderson refinishes and upcycles furniture at the Barking Dog Studio.

Arts: Barking Dog Studio opens

New consignment store for local artists and crafters

The line of shops along Otter Point Road is beginning to resemble an art row with the influx of new businesses promoting art and craft.

The latest, Barking Dog Studio, is a place where locals can sell their work.

Debi Anderson, a partner with Randy Welters, said, “We opened it because there was a need for local people to get their stuff out there. They have been doing markets for years.”

Anderson was referring to the Sooke Country Market which is across the street on Saturdays during the summer months. Now many of the vendors will be able to sell through a permanent year-round store front.

“WE knew the space was coming available and thought it was great across from the market,” said Anderson.

The idea behind Barking Dog Studio is to have handmade, up cycled, recycled and re-purposed items of good quality.

The response, so far, has been great, she said.

The shelves are full of crafts and the walls are hung with art. Large paintings by Patrick Irwin festoon the walls and beautifully carved bowls and vessels by Phoebe Dunbar share space with local pottery, jewelry, wooden toys by Randy Welters and sewn items by Sue Truman formerly of Cabin Creations. Heavy, durable bags of leather by Ross Garrett of Red Crow Leather are there as well as stuffed animals of all shapes and sizes.

Anderson will be giving workshops on re-painting and finishing furniture with milk paint. She has a number of pieces she has re-worked in the store.

Oh, and the name? It comes from Gracie, a small Dachshund, who barked a lot at the market. She is the resident doggie at the studio shop.

Barking Dog is still seeking more consignors. Go to, call 250-642-6677 or email:

Sooke News Mirror