ARTS PALETTE: New chapter for arts council

First show for Summerland Community Arts Council opens at the new Arts Centre located in one half of the former Willowbrook Lane.

The Summerland Community Arts Council began a new chapter in its existence this week with the opening of its first show at the new Arts Centre located in one half of the former Willowbrook Lane.

From a small closet-style office in the basement level of the current library building and a gallery space in the Summerland Museum where the train layout of the KVR now resides to 16 years in the former municipal hall and now to a new (temporary?) location at 9908 Main St. the Summerland Community Arts Council continues to change, evolve and provide a myriad of programs to the residents of Summerland.

Thanks to countless hours by the SCAC Board, Steering Committee, our office manager and Summer Art Program coordinator, volunteers and local contractors the new Arts Centre opened this week in time for the annual Summer Art Progam.

One of the challenges facing the organization was that, in addition to all the challenges and work associated with a move, the volunteers had to continue to organize and provide on-going programs such as the Street Banner Project, workshops for children, youth and adults, shows for the Art Gallery and the Summer Art Program for kids.

On Thursday, July 10 the first show will open in the new Gallery space. “Travels with My Sketchbook”, featuring works by Dale Matthews, will open with the usual reception from 7-9 p.m. This will be an opportunity to view the wonderful watercolour paintings and sketches by Dale Matthews as well as witness the hard work of the Gallery Committee and others in transforming this space into a public art gallery.   There will be an artist’s talk Friday, July 11 at 2 p.m.

On Saturday, July 12 from 9-11 a.m. the Summerland Community Art Council invites you to join them at their Grand Re-opening. There will be pancakes served by the 1st Summerland Scouts with all proceeds going to the Scouts. So come and enjoy festivities on Main Street and check out Summerland’s new Arts Centre and Gallery.

The Arts Palette is written by David Finnis, Publicity Chair and President of the Summerland Community Arts Council – PO Box 1217, 9908 Main Street, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0


Summerland Review