ArtWalk at LCAG goes Off The Rails

‘Off the Rails’ the intended path, out of control, behaving strangely…malfunctioning condition.

ArtWalk 2016

ArtWalk 2016

This year, the Lake Country Art Gallery’s contribution to ArtWalk will go ‘Off the Rails.’

Art works chosen for the annual artistic extravaganza will relate to the theme.

Artists are invited to create a work of art for the Theme Gallery, which could be part of the exhibition at the Lake Country Art Gallery from Aug. 27 to September 24.

This is a Juried exhibition.

The Lake Country Art Gallery is a pubic gallery and provides an opportunity for artists to display artwork that may not fit in a more conventional venue. I encourage artists to challenge, expand and interpret this years Art Walk theme, Art Off the Rails.

As curator, Wanda Lock will work with the ArtWalk artists to create a cohesive Art Off the Rails theme exhibition. All art work will be thoughtfully selected and hung in a way that brings out the best in all of the work.

The curator reserves the right to make selection decisions about the work included in the theme exhibition.

Artists Participating in Artwalk: It is free for artists participating in Artwalk to submit work to the Artwalk Theme Gallery at the Lake Country Art Gallery.

● For artists who are members of the Lake Country Art Gallery but not participating in Artwalk, there will be a $10 exhibition fee to submit work for the Artwalk Theme Gallery.

● For artists who are not members of the Lake Country Art Gallery and are not participating in Artwalk, the exhibition fee will be a $35 which gives them membership to theart gallery.

If you have any questions, contact Wanda Lock at 250-766-1299 or


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