'Art is Dead' by Denial, near Cranbrook.

'Art is Dead' by Denial, near Cranbrook.

Artwork by DENIAL

Cranbrook’s most important (arguably) piece of street art is tucked away just out of sight near Cranbrook.

Cranbrook’s most important (arguably) piece of street art is tucked away just out of sight near Cranbrook.

The piece is by the internationally renowned Canadian artist Denial (Daniel Bombardier), who presented it to the East Kootenay while on the “One of A Kind Show” tour, from Ontario to Vancouver in 2011.

DENIAL is the founder of Enjoy Denial, an international artists collective. Contacted by the Townsman for a statement, DENIAL responded: “Enjoy Denial is a collective of artists all working together for a common goal of spreading our art and messages across the globe. Our art works challenge the audience to question everything about the work including its very placement and locale. We appropriate useless/dead space for our messaging most of the time. Our work also serves to inspire creativity even in the most unlikely of places, such as under a bridge.”

Cranbrook Daily Townsman