Auditions coming up for Bard’s Julius Caesar

Auditions will be held Sunday, March 30 and Monday, March 31, to cast Bard in the Valley’s 2014 production of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

Auditions will be held Sunday, March 30 and Monday, March 31, to cast Bard in the Valley’s 2014 production of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, directed by Darcy J. Knopp.

The audition does not require an appointment. Actors wishing to audition are asked to arrive at the Douglas Park Recreation Centre on Sunday, March 30 at 1 p.m. or on Monday, March 31 at 7:30 p.m. to hear an outline of the production, performance expectations, rehearsal commitments, and to complete the audition form.

Everyone auditioning will be asked to do a cold read from the script and some will be asked to read for specific roles. Do not send digital photos or resumes. Bring a printed hardcopy head shot and resume to the audition to be turned in with the audition form.

This is a non-equity production. Everyone is welcome. For more information, contact producer Diane Gendron at

Rehearsal dates: Sunday afternoons and Monday evenings and, if required, one additional weekday rehearsal, the timing of which will be mutually agreed upon by the participants.

Performance dates:

Tuesday, July 1, at 3 p.m. on the lawn in front of Fort Langley’s historic community hall during Canada Day Celebrations.

July 11, 12, 18 & 19, at the Township 7 Winery in Langley.

July 24, 25, 26, 27, 31 and August 1, 2, & 3, on the outdoor Spirit Square Stage in Douglas Park in Langley City.

Evening performances begin at 7 p.m. and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m.

Bard in the Valley is delighted that, following last year’s success, Darcy J Knopp is back to direct William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Knopp performed lead roles in BIV’s first two productions and directed BIV’s acclaimed 2013 production of The Comedy of Errors. While attending the University of the Fraser Valley he appeared in 12 main stages that included seven Shakespeare plays. He directed five shows at the Directors’ Festival — four of which were scripts he wrote. Two of those productions were selected to perform at the Harrison Festival of the Arts.

Knopp commented, “In times of great civil strife, desperate citizens will clamour for change. Governments topple. Leaders are executed, but what guarantee is there that change will be for the better? The seat of power is up for auction, and everyone bids in blood.  This is a dangerous Rome indeed.”

The play: Julius Caesar

Company: Bard in the Valley

Playwright: William Shakespeare

Director: Darcy J Knopp

Producer: Diane Gendron

Audition Dates:  Sunday March 30 from 1 – 4:30 p.m. AND Monday, March 31 from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.

Audition Address: Douglas Park Recreation Centre, 20550 Douglas Crescent, Langley City.

Read-through: Sunday, April 6 at 12:30 p.m.

Rehearsals begin: Monday, April 7 at 7:30 p.m.


Caesar returns to Rome after victory over Pompey the Great, but not all Rome is willing to heap honours on the Great General.  Caesar is assassinated by a group of conspirators and the republic is plunged into civil war.

List of principal characters: 15 to 16 actors

This year’s production will portray the classic story with both modern influences and exciting artistic concepts. Please note all roles should be considered gender neutral.

The Republic

Marcus Brutus: Caesar’s friend. Widely considered the most noble person in the republic, yet Brutus is uneasy with Caesar’s ascension to lofty levels of power.

Caius Cassius: Perhaps the most clever person in the republic. Cassius sees that Rome will break under the weight of Caesar’s ambition, and he is determined to stop that happening, whatever it takes.

Decius Brutus: The best person to call when the jobs in politics get greasy.

Casca: Plain, blunt, honest.  The resident cynic of the republic.

Trebonius:  Brash and violent, Trebonius provides muscle, and brute force ideas.

Cinna: Unstable, twisted, bordering on sadistic. Cinna is the scary part of the conspiracy.

Cimber: Brave, bold, and valiant, a lack of experience is counter balanced by a boost in gumption.

Portia: a woman of conscience desperately trying to tether Brutus to his better qualities.

Lucius: Brutus’ protégé.  A secretary now, but knows a big future could be right around the corner.

The Empire

Julius Caesar: The most powerful and decorated general Rome has ever seen.

Marcus Antonius: Caesar’s right hand.  An able player no matter the game.

Agrippa: Loyal to Caesar and the jack-knife for the cause.

Lepidus: A pawn of the Empire. Enjoys the privilege of having powerful friends.

Octavius Caesar: The heir apparent to the power Caesar leaves behind. Rome’s first Emperor in junior days.

Aldergrove Star