Auditions for A Bench in the Sun in Summerland

The Summerland Singers and Players are looking for three actors, 60-plus, for an upcoming performance of A Bench in the Sun.

Summerland Singers and Players are looking for actors who can pull off the role of bickering old-timers.

Auditions for the group’s first production of 2016, A Bench in the Sun by Ron Clark, take place Jan. 19 and Jan. 24.

Summerland Singers and Players are seeking three senior actors (60-plus) to take on the roles of the dapper, nattily dressed Harold, the sloppily dressed, true pessimist and self-proclaimed realist Burt, and Adrienne, a former actress and eternal optimist who still manages to be a flirt.

Burt and Harold spend their days bickering on a bench at their retirement home when Adrienne moves in “giving them something new to argue about,” said Bryan Laver, director of the production.

When the three learn that the retirement home is about to be sold, they join forces to prevent the upsetting development.

The play debuts on April 21 runs until April 24. Rehearsals begin in the first week of March on Tuesdays, Thursdays and optional afternoons on Saturdays or Sundays as needed.

“It’s a nice little ensemble cast,” said Laver. “But we also picked it because it’s a very funny play.”

Some acting experience is preferred, but Laver said “it’s a pretty simple play, it’s not elaborate, so novices certainly would be welcome to come out and audition. It’s amazing the kind of talent you can find that have never set foot on the stage.”

Those interested in an audition can contact Laver at 250-493-6539 or president of the Summerland Singers and Players Bob Read at 250-494-1264.


Penticton Western News