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Auditions in Cowichan this month for ‘Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind’

New youth theatre group producing 30 neo-futurist plays in 60 minutes

Auditions will be held next weekend (Saturday, Oct. 17) for a production by a new amateur youth theatre group in the Cowichan Valley.

The Cowichan Valley Entertainers are preparing to put on Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind by Greg Allen, a neo-futurist experiment featuring 30 plays in a quick 60 minutes, and director Michael Partridge is looking for actors between the ages of 16 and 19 for the show.

“The Cowichan Valley Entertainers is a brand new amateur youth theatre group that I have created and will be supported by community members volunteering to facilitate, inspire, and encourage personal creative expression of our youth,” Partridge explained.

Partridge has previously facilitated and directed youth groups in Alberta, and has acted in several plays himself, and wants to create a similar opportunity in the Cowichan Valley, starting with Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind.

“This is a great introductory play for youth, with short scenes, that provides the experience and opportunity for many individuals,” Partridge related. “In this way, there is a wide-range of participation levels that will develop the confidence of those performing.”

Open auditions for Too Much Light will be held at Juvenation Wellness Centre in Duncan (254 Trans-Canada Hwy.). Due to COVID-19, auditions will be staggered, so hopeful performers are asked to submit a list of their top three preferred 15-minute time slots between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., and times will be confirmed. Actors are asked to prepare a one-minute monologue of their choosing, showing their creative strengths and abilities. Headshots and acting resumes are encouraged as well.

For more information, email Partridge at

Cowichan Valley Citizen