Author debuts first book

NANAIMO - Helen Webster, a resident of Nanaimo for 60 years, pens her debut novel, Medical Man.

Helen Webster launches her book Medical Man Saturday (Feb. 13) at the Nanaimo North Library.

Helen Webster launches her book Medical Man Saturday (Feb. 13) at the Nanaimo North Library.

Helen Webster grew up listening to her grandfather’s stories.

She loved them. Even her grandfather’s friends would share his tales. When he died, Webster’s mother gave her a cardboard box filled with his belongings. Inside Webster found journals, fragmented stores written on scraps of paper and letters between her grandfather and grandmother.

“When I started going through the box I realized I had a treasure,” said Webster. “I remember saying to my husband ‘I can’t make this stuff up,’ but they were true stories.”

These fragmented pieces of her grandfather’s life inspired Webster to dig deeper and led her to tell his tale in her debut novel, Medical Man.

Webster’s grandfather, Thomas Robert Ross, managed his own Hudson’s Bay Trading post at age 17 in Northern Ontario. He decided to study medicine at Queen’s University and in 1909 moved to Alberta to begin his practice.

The book chronicles his journey and experiences treating patients during mining disasters and the First and Second World Wars, alongside advancements in medical technology.

Her journey into his life didn’t stop after reading his memorabilia. She contacted the Alberta Medical Association for more information to fill in blanks.

She researched at community archives and museums and the more she unearthed the more she was amazed by not only Ross’s life but also the nurses who worked with him.

“I am constantly amazed. The term I use is ordinary greatness. These were ordinary people who did such great things,” said Webster.

Webster has lived in Nanaimo for 60 years and is also a painter.

Her book launch is Saturday (Feb. 13) from 2-5 p.m. at the Nanaimo North Library. The reading will begin at 3 p.m.

For more information about Webster, her book, or to purchase a copy please go to or

Copies are also available on Amazon, iTunes and Google Play.

Nanaimo News Bulletin