Award-Winning UK duo playing in Qualicum

Gilmore & Roberts have been nominated twice at the BBC Folk Awards and will play at the Beaton's Home

Award-winning UK duo Gilmore & Roberts are performing at a house concert in Qualicum Beach this Thursday.

Award-winning UK duo Gilmore & Roberts are performing at a house concert in Qualicum Beach this Thursday.

A contemporary folk duo from the United Kingdom is making their way to Qualicum Beach for a house concert this Thursday, July 10.Gilmore & Roberts have been nominated twice at the BBC Folk Awards and are making their first trip to Canada for a couple festivals and a house concert.

The House Concert will take place at the Beatons in Qualicum Beach, tickets are $20 and seating is limited. Katriona Gilmore and Jamie Roberts met while studying at Leeds College of Music and began working together in 2006, releasing their first full-length album Shadows & Half Light two years later. In 2010 the duo were nominated for the BBC Radio 2 Horizon Award and released their anticipated second album, Up From The Deep, receiving national airplay and scored them a ‘Best Original Song’ Hancock Award for ‘Fleetwood Fair’.

Their third album The Innocent Left, explores many and varied topics but remains consistently bound by Gilmore & Roberts’ passion for stories.Tickets are $20 and the doors open at 7 p.m., the show starts at 7:30 p.m. All money will go to the performers and people are welcome to bring instruments to jam afterwards.

Contact Joyce or John Beaton for the address and to reserve tickets at Joyce Beaton, or phone 250-752-1162.

—News Staff/Submitted by Joyce Beaton

Parksville Qualicum Beach News