Awareness Film Night explores Site C dam controversy

The evening will start with a screening of the film Peace Out

The Nov. 9 Awareness Film Night will investigate the Site C dam controversy.

The evening will start with a screening of the film Peace Out, a thought-provoking documentary by Charles Wilkinson (Haida Gwaii, On the Edge of the World) that goes from the Peace River Valley to the tar sands in Alberta to Vancouver boardrooms to explore the deeper causes of environmental exploitation.

Following the film, a question and answer period will take place with MLA and provincial NDP leader John Horgan and Metchosin NoSiteC campaigner Steve Gray to discuss the proposed and highly controversial Site C hydroelectric dam in the Peace River Valley.

As such, moviegoers can forward questions and concerns for discussion on the project, such as what are the facts and myths about Site C, how feasible are more sustainable sources of power, what has been done to date and what would it look like if the project were to come to a stop.

“(John) has always been well-received at past film nights and we appreciate him making himself available to address the contentious issue of the Site C dam,” said organizer Jo Phillips in a press release.

Steve Gray has participated on the past 2 Rolling Justice Bus Tours to the Peace River Valley and has been an active campaigner against the Site C dam, most recently at the 2016 Union of B.C. Municipalities conference in Victoria where a resolution was passed to oppose the project. By day, he is a health-care administrator and policymaker.

The event is at Edward Milne Community School theatre, 6218 Sooke Rd., from 7 to 9:15 p.m.

Admission is by donation. For more info, go to or on Facebook and Twitter.


Sooke News Mirror