Adrienne Raczki reviews Stephen King’s book Bag of Bones.

Adrienne Raczki reviews Stephen King’s book Bag of Bones.

Bag of Bones by Stephen King

Mike Noonan, romance-mystery novelist, is spiraling into depression.

Submitted by Adrienne Raczki

Mike Noonan, romance-mystery novelist, is spiraling into depression. His beloved wife of 10 years, Johanna, dies suddenly in the summer of 1994 and Mike is left struggling with his life. His publisher is calling for another Noonan Classic, a VC Andrews come John Grisham style novel that Mike just cannot drum up. His large, looming house in Derry is full of memories and sadness, thwarting his attempt at writing, making his log cabin — affectionately known as ‘Sara Laughs’ in Castle County — seemingly the best choice for his escape.

In typical King styling, the paranormal is made to feel normal in this spooky yarn. Jo’s sudden death had left Mike filled with more questions than answers, and his trip to Sara Laughs only adds more to the mystery. A child crying in the night, magnets arranged to spell out messages from beyond, Noonan knows he’s in over his head.

The small village atmosphere feels even smaller when Mike finds himself smack in the center of a domestic dispute involving a young widow, Mattie Devore, and the town’s evil old benefactor, Max Devore. Myra, Mattie’s precocious three-year-old daughter, and Mike quickly develop a bond, with Mike experiencing love and joy for the first time since Jo’s passing.

A haunted house, a child with a special gift, a town full of evil conspirators … Although the plots for King’s novels seem to follow the same pattern, this creepy offering from King is well worth the read.

The Free Press