Ballenas grads on parade Saturday

Watch for the latest fashions on the latest grads

The Ballenas Secondary School graduating  class of 2011 will hit the streets of Parksville on Saturday, May 28 as they parade from Springwood Middle School to a red carpet arrival at their dry grad celebration at the high school.

Everyone is invited to support the students as they mark the end of the school year and prepare to head off on their next adventure.

“This gives an opportunity for everybody to see the grads,” said Robyn Muir, a parent with the dry grad committee.

She explained the students will be greeted at the school by a traditional red carpet extravaganza as the enter the party with this year’s Greek mythology theme.

The parade is expected to last an hour or so as it leaves from Springwood Middle School on Despard Avenue at 5 p.m., travels down Moilliet Street and up Morison Avenue to Ballenas Secondary.

About 80 vehicles, from immaculate vintage cars to city fire truck escorts and everything between, will make their way across town Saturday evening, kicking off the night’s festivities.

The public portion of the festivities ends there as students and guests head in for the formal dinner and dance followed by a party into the morning.

Students are reminded that if they do not arrive by 9 p.m. they will not be allowed in and they must stay until breakfast.

Kwalikum Secondary’s dry grad is Saturday, June 4 and both schools hold their commencement ceremonies June 29.


Parksville Qualicum Beach News