Ballet Kelowna bringing love to the stage

Upcoming show will feature an array of choreographed love scenes.

Not all love stories are sunshine and roses. Some are tragic and tempestuous.

But some stories are made to last for ever after.

Ballet Kelowna invites you to experience the obsession, romance and tragedy of some of the greatest love stories of all time in its spring performance A Grand Passion.

Wrapping up a 10 performance, seven-city tour that launched just prior to love-struck Valentine’s Day, Ballet Kelowna will bring the passion to Kelowna April 27 and 28 after a performance in Summerland April 14

The forbidden love of star-crossed lovers Romeo  and Juliet, the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty and a hot tango of seduction will take you on an emotional romantic journey.

A Grand Passion also showcases the 2011 commission North Shore, by Montreal choreographer Shawn Hounsell, a contemporary work of intense physicality.

Through technically challenging choreography, the athleticism of the highly trained dancers and the soaring beautiful music, no words are  necessary to convey the emotion behind each of these love stories, say Ballet Kelowna officials.

“Ballet Kelowna is proud to share its passion with audiences everywhere with dance that speaks to the hopes and dreams inside each of us and I know these emotionally  moving works will live long in your hearts” said artistic director David LaHay.

One of Canada’s 10 professional ballet companies, Ballet Kelowna is a dedicated community partner committed to inspire, educate and entertain through the energy and artistry of ballet.

Capturing the entertainment interest of all members of the family, Ballet Kelowna enhances the image of ballet, making the art form more inviting, fun and personally meaningful.

For more information, visit


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