Band ‘Her Brothers’ wins Langley Has Talent

Pop band Her Brothers won the Langley Has Talent finals Saturday, in a contest that saw 13 acts from a slam poet to a silk aerialist strut their stuff in Christian Life Assembly.

Her Brothers, composed of siblings Joshua, Gabriel, and Levi Penner and dad Jonathan, gave a high energy performance of Uptown Funk and Happy.

Stephanie Amadasun won the second place for her rendition of the Stevie Wonder song I Wish. She told the judges she was outside her comfort zone with the song, but they felt she showed great range considering her songs earlier in the competition.

Amanda Wormald won third place for her silk aerialist act, which saw her descend from the ceiling to the floor supported only by two strands of fabric. The judges were floored to see the young woman descend dozens of feet, from well above the stage lights.

The Penner family were jubilant after the win, leaping for joy.

“There was some really good acts,” said Joshua Penner after the victory.

The siblings met some amazing people through the contest, and it was less about winning than performing for the band, he said.

Named in honour of their little sister, the band is touring and has just released a debut album, She, said Gabriel.

“Tonight what you’re seeing is an outstanding sampling,” said Peter Luongo, one of the longtime organizers of the event.

All four Langley Rotary clubs came together to organize and create Langley Has Talent, Luongo said.

The purpose of the event was to showcase local talent, but also to push for the creation of a permanent performing arts showcase for the Langleys.

The roster of 13 finalists included a slam poet, a trapeze artist, several dancers, singers, a rap artist, and several bands.

Last year’s winner A Guy and a Girl and the Langley Ukulele Ensemble also performed.

Langley Advance