Banned Council heads to city

The Quw’utsun’ Cultural Centre welcomes The Banned Council Bingo Hall Tour for a and funny evening of “native stand-up comedy” Nov. 13.

Aboriginal comedian Chuck Cease and pal Dustin Hollings are on tap for an evening of comedy at the Quwutsun Cultural Centre.

Aboriginal comedian Chuck Cease and pal Dustin Hollings are on tap for an evening of comedy at the Quwutsun Cultural Centre.

The Quw’utsun’ Cultural Centre welcomes The Banned Council Bingo Hall Tour for a frank and funny evening of what it calls “native stand-up comedy” Friday, Nov. 13.

Comedy fans can enjoy Chuck Cease and Dustin Hollings, with special guest emcee Brian Majore.

“Chuck Cease” is the stage persona of Vancouver-based comedian and workshop facilitator Colin Bird. Bird attended the Indian Teacher Education Program at the University of Saskatchewan and is a member of the Mistawasis First Nation but has lived in the Vancouver area for the last 14 years.

Chuck Cease is a father of four children and is working towards establishing his own streaming TV comedy special this year.

Dustin Hollings grew up in the remote back woods of Nishnawbe-Aski territory Treaty 9 on Chapleau Cree First Nation of northern Ontario.

He was always a class clown in school but comedy is something he takes very seriously, according to his bio.

“I’ve always been able to make people laugh, but I’ve only recently started to acknowledge it as the powerful and unique gift that it is,” Hollings says.

He has opened for Ryan McMahon’s Redman Laughing live podcast and for world class DJ team A Tribe Called Red.

Tickets for this adult-oriented show are $20 each at the door and there will be two performances, the first at 8 p.m. and the second at 10:30 p.m.

Cowichan Valley Citizen