Battle of the borshch at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre

Borshch cook-off and tasting at the Doukhobor museum in Castlegar.

Do you make the best borshch in the Kootenays? If so, you may want to enter the Doukhobor Discover Centre’s borshch cook off.

As part of B.C Culture Days celebrations, the centre will be hosting its first tasting event featuring locally-made borshch.

“We are looking at ways to resurrect some excitement in Doukhobor culture among the Doukhobors living here and the residents in the area,” said operations manager Eugene Voykin. “The best way we feel to do that is by sharing food.”

Guests will receive a take-home mug and are invited to sample all of the entries and then vote for their favourite. They are also welcome to explore the grounds and take in some of the other activities happening that day including felting, weaving and woodworking demonstrations and games.

The event takes place Saturday, Sept. 28 from 12 to 3:30 p.m.

As part of B.C. Culture Day, admission to the centre is free. If you would like to take part in the borshch tasting, the cost is $10 and includes a commemorative mug.

To enter your borshch, email or download the registration form at

There are just a few rules: recipes must include cabbage, you must supply a minimum of one gallon in a slow cooker and arrive at least one hour prior to competition.

Castlegar News