Members of Rivercity Players’ building crew put on the finishing touches on the theatre group’s renovated performance studio. To mark the project completion, the group is holding a celebration called Rivercity Revival on Sept. 14 at the facility at 1080 Hemlock Street.

Members of Rivercity Players’ building crew put on the finishing touches on the theatre group’s renovated performance studio. To mark the project completion, the group is holding a celebration called Rivercity Revival on Sept. 14 at the facility at 1080 Hemlock Street.

Be part of the Rivercity Revival

Campbell River's Rivercity Players will be raising the curtain on their new 80-seat venue on Saturday, Sept. 14

Rivercity Players will be raising the curtain on their new 80-seat venue on  Saturday, Sept. 14.

The new venue will be called Rivercity Stage and will be housed in the Michelle Nelson Woodrow Studio at 1080 Hemlock Street.

“Rivercity Revival” is the name of the celebratory event which will mark the finish of the extensive renovations which have been made to bring their old premises up to scratch as a performance venue.

Linda von Zuben, president of Rivercity Players, says “We have had an extremely lucky year.  First of all our landlady, Michelle Nelson Woodrow, donated the building to us and then with generous grants from the City of Campbell River and Artsvest, together with huge donations of time and labour from members and local craftsmen, we were able to complete the job.

“Unfortunately, Michelle died as renovations were in progress, so we are calling the building after her to commemorate her marvelous gift.”

Rivercity Revival will be a fun event for everyone. Starting at  one o’clock, there will be conducted tours of the new premises led by club members in full costume.

Refreshments will be available and lots of entertainment for children will be provided – music, face painting, audition tent, fairy tale photo portraits, jugglers – everything to make the opening of the new venue a memorable occasion.

And all of Campbell River is invited to come and share the fun.

“Our membership is very proud of what we have achieved,” says von Zuben. “We are only waiting for the final building inspetion before we have our first show in the renovated theatre, a comedy called Sin, Sex, and the CIA, which is sure to be a Campbell River crowd pleaser.”




Campbell River Mirror