Beach Poemers’ open mic night returns

Spoken-word poets invited to participate in monthy event at FoggDukkers Thursday night

The second Beach Poemers open mic poetry reading is scheduled for Thursday evening, and the event has been confirmed as a monthly opportunity at FoggDukkers coffee shop on the Island Highway.

The reading begins at 6:30 p.m. Thursday and is open to all who would like to share their original spoken-word pieces or enjoy hearing others read.

With light lasting longer and the shop open later in the evening that during the debut reading in February, a poetry appreciation section will follow the reading. This will give participants a chance to read their favourite poems from other poets.

FoggDukkers has agreed to host the Beach Poemers open mic on a regular basis, on the last Thursday of each month.

Weather permitting, the reading will be held outside by the beach fire pit. If the weather doesn’t cooperate, it will be indoors.

For more info, call Nicole Girard at 250-504-0147.

Campbell River Mirror