Becky Thomas has won the 2011 Native American Music Award for Best Female Artist of the Year.

Becky Thomas has won the 2011 Native American Music Award for Best Female Artist of the Year.

Becky Thomas wins NAMA’s female artist of the year award

Becky Thomas has won the 2011 Native American Music Award for Best Female Artist of the Year.

Becky Thomas, formerly of Williams Lake and a regular visiting worship leader in the community, has won the 2011 Native American Music Award for Best Female Artist of the Year.

Thomas was presented with the award at ceremonies held Oct. 7 in Niagara Falls, New York.

Thomas won the award for her gospel CD Sacred Ground.

“To be honest, when they called my name out I was so stunned all I could do was cry,” Thomas says. “Thankfully I didn’t have to walk up to the stage as they randomly pick which categories are announced publicly and mine was simply read out in a category of about 10 others.

“So no speeches, but I got to collect my award at the end. You can’t know how big a relief that was to me — I just knew I would fall flat on my face if I had to walk up the stairs — much less come up with a speech!”

Thomas was nominated in two categories, Best Female Artist of the Year and Gospel/Inspirational Recording. The public was also able to vote for their favourite artists on line. Thomas has two CDs to her credit, I Delight In You and Miracles of the North. She also appears on Glorious.

Thomas says the highlight of the awards event was having her daughter, Kim, with her and getting to meet and get a picture with Gabriel Ayala — an amazing classical guitar player who took the Artist of the Year award.

“A friend and sister in the Lord, Yvonne St. Germaine, took the Gospel/Inspirational category, so we will celebrate together — she’s from Saskatoon, another bonus,” Thomas says.

She says she was also able to reconnect with an old friend and meet a new friend from Youth With a Mission.

“So all I can say is thank you to everyone who sent in their votes and prayers,” Thomas says. “I didn’t think it was even possible and I am in awe of the greatness of God and the kindness of my friends. We are praying that this will open new Kingdom opportunities as that is really all that matters at the end of the day.”


For more on Becky’s story go to



Williams Lake Tribune