Bible camp holds family fun day

Show up on BC Family Day for some winter recreation

Have you ever run a sled down a water slide “luge” or gone speed-skating on a frozen lake?

Winter fun will be taking on new dimensions at a Family Day event at Lake Of The Trees Bible Camp (LOTT).

Bring your family, and your sleds, skates and hockey sticks if you have them, and show up at the LOTT on BC Family Day (Feb. 9).

Camp director Tom McIntosh says a winter activities day held at New Years went so well, he and his family and crew decided to do it all over again and invite the community.

They hope the regular campers and their families will also bring friends out so more folks can see the camp.

“We have a bunch of volunteer staff coming back to serve them in the various areas on that day, so they’ll get a good taste of [our camp].”

Enjoy a host of activities along with hot beverages, a soup-and-bun lunch, and bonfires by the lake while you check out the Bible-centred summer camp and what it has to offer.

“We are not just enjoying the winter wonderland; we are also inviting people to experience the beauty and the community that we work to introduce others to.”

The “water-slide luge” is a unique opportunity to slip and slide, or sled down the summertime water-slide onto the lake, he says.

The lake has been kept clear of snow in three areas for winter recreation.

“We have one for a hockey area, one for kind of a speed loop and another one is just a general skate area closer to the shore where the bonfires will be.”

Entry is by a suggested donation of $10 each or $40 per family to help cover costs.

There will be give-aways and a chance to win a free, full week of camp.

To find LOTT, follow Canim-Hendrix Lake Road to Forest Grove Store, go straight onto Eagle Creek Road and follow it two kilometres to Wilcox Road (turn left), seven km to Dempsey Lake Road (turn left), and continue another 3.5 km to the camp.

A map and more details about the camp are online at

For more information, call 250-791-5502.


100 Mile House Free Press