Bif Naked presents Songs and Stories in Lake Country

Canadian rock goddess Bif Naked is exposing all on her Songs and Stories Tour at the Creekside Theatre in Lake Country, Nov. 4.

Bif Naked is at the Creekside Theatre in Lake Country Nov. 4 to tell stories from her recently published memoir, I Bificus, and perform some of her favourite songs from her vast repertoire.

Bif Naked is at the Creekside Theatre in Lake Country Nov. 4 to tell stories from her recently published memoir, I Bificus, and perform some of her favourite songs from her vast repertoire.

Canadian rock goddess Bif Naked is exposing all on her Songs and Stories Tour that comes to the Creekside Theatre in Lake Country, Nov. 4.

The I Love Myself Today singer has just released her long-anticipated memoir on Harper Collins, titled I, Bificus.

The book is the true story of Bif’s life, which, she says, was only edited to protect the guilty.

“I have always been a storyteller, and this is my story, my truth.”

With 10 albums and a long list of hits, Bif will perform songs acoustically, combined with readings from her book. Her show promises to be an evening of racy storytelling combined with a collection of her favourite songs

Tickets are $25 each, with only 250 seats available.

“This show only adds to our already full fall season as we continue to build into the busiest little theatre in the Okanagan,” said Lake Country  cultural development coordinator Ryan Donn.

For information and tickets, go to or call 250-766-9309.


Vernon Morning Star