Big band concert raises money for seniors centre

Concert will be held Dec. 13 at Summerland Seniors' Drop-in Centre

Big band concert raises money for seniors centre

A big band concert at the Summerland Seniors’s Drop-in Centre will raise money for some much needed improvements to the facility.

The concert will be held at the centre on Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 7 p.m. It will include popular swing-era and holiday favourites, played by the South Okanagan Big Band.

Clyde Stewart, president of the centre, said one of the bingo machines at the facility needs to be replaced.

“I can fix it for the time being, but we’re going to have to get a new one,” he said.

Other work needed at the facility includes general maintenance to the water, heat and lighting systems.

The building, constructed in the 1970s, is of cinder block construction, with little or no insulation. As a result, heating costs in winter are high.

The centre has 139 members, up from 99 members a year ago.

Summerland Review