Courtesy of Thunder Boyz Productions Inc. and Nicole Currie Photography

Courtesy of Thunder Boyz Productions Inc. and Nicole Currie Photography

Big news for Falkland tv show

British Columbia TV show hit 42 + million American households

It’s been a “long haul,” but it’s been worth it for the host of Bushnell’s Trigger Effect and owner of Thunder Boyz Productions Inc., Dean Trumbley.

Thunder Boyz Productions Inc. will be broadcasting Bushnell’s Trigger Effect on the Pursuit Channel in the United States of America.

“Only a handful of Canadian hunting productions have been able to achieve broadcasting on one of the three major hunting networks in the United States,” he said.

“This is a big step for us, the USA market is huge and for being a small Canadian production we are proud of our achievement” Trumbley’s co-host, Kent Michie added.

Both Trumbley and Michie have spent their entire lives working in the various fields in the outdoor sector. Trumbley pursued a career as a professional biologist and dabbled in big game guiding, whereas Michie did the opposite working as a professional guide and dabbled in biology.

As life-time friends, the pair have hunted all over North America and beyond pursing their passion, eventually embarking on a dream to create a hunting TV show that reflects their experience, passion and knowledge gained over their many years.

This will have the British Columbia/Manitoba based show available to over 42+ million households through the United States.


Falkland hunter in spotlight

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Vernon Morning Star