Bisset Singers’ Cranbrook concert features professional soprano

On Saturday November 7, the Bisset Singers will perform at Knox Presbyterian Church in Cranbrook

Savannah Bisset

Savannah Bisset

For the Townsman

On Saturday November 7, the Bisset Singers will perform at Knox Presbyterian Church in Cranbrook. Their concert will also feature rising star, professional soprano, Savannah Bisset.

With the New York Lyric Opera Theatre, Ms. Bisset just completed a performance as Marquerite in Andre Gretey’s Richard Coeur-de-lion opera. A New York Times review exclaimed, “Ms. Bisset excelled in one of the scores few arias.”

The Bisset Choir is noted for passion for their music to inspire and entertain. “It’s important the concert appeal to a broad base in the community,” said Chuck Bisset,

“I have a wide range of ages in my choir with more than half the soprano section being between nine and thirteen years old,” Chuck said. “My passion is to see a new generation of good singers.”

The choir’s repertoire will showcase songs from Duke Ellington and will be accompanied by a big band soundtrack.

“As a child I grew up hearing opera and classical music as both my parents were voice teachers,” Savannah Bisset says, “I have a commitment to an audience to put forth some of the most beautiful music written because I want to inspire young listeners to go back to opera.”

“I want them to understand the complexity that was put into those works, to inspire and stir the human soul,” she said. “In my mind nothing touches the human spirit like that of opera and art song.

Ms. Bisset will be accompanied by Arne Sahlen who holds an ARCT Diploma in Piano Performance (Gold medalist), and a Piano Teacher’s ARCT diploma from The Royal Conservatory of Music.

Concert: 7PM, Saturday November 2, 2015, Knox Presbyterian Church, 2100 3 St S, Cranbrook, BC. Tickets available at Lotus Books, Choir Members or at the Door. Adult $20, Senior $15, Youth/child $12.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman