Black Press photojournalist and movie director Arnold Lim. (Submitted photo)

Black Press photojournalist Arnold Lim reports from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Podcast: Chat includes things to do while quarantining and Lim's movie 'All-in Madonna'

The PQB News podcast PQBeat can be found here. You can also search ‘PQBeat’ on Spotify, Google Podcasts, iTunes or the Podcast App on your iPhone).

PQBeat · Arnold Lim – Olympics Photography Manager – 7:29:21

For our latest installment (click the arrow in the top left of the above photo to listen), PQB News/VI Free Daily editor Philip Wolf and publisher Peter McCully talk with Black Press photojournalist Arnold Lim, who is in Japan working as a photography manager at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Talk includes how Lim dealt with the mandatory 14-day quarantine, how he developed his love for photography and his recent stint as the director of the movie ‘All-in Madonna‘.

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MORE: Listen to all PQBeat podcasts here.

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Goldstream News Gazette


Saanich-based director and co-producer Arnold Lim (centre) guides crew members before shooting a scene for the feature film ‘All-in Madonna’. The film was shot in and around Victoria and the South Island in 2019. (Photo by Patrick Coble/Blue Lake Films).