Blenkinsop Valley hosts second annual art show

More than 50 pieces on display at Saturday's Artists in the Valley show

Leslie Bell is one of 13 artists participating in the second annual Artists in the Valley show, highlighting the scenic nature of the Blenkinsop Valley.

Leslie Bell is one of 13 artists participating in the second annual Artists in the Valley show, highlighting the scenic nature of the Blenkinsop Valley.

Blenkinsop Road may be a commuter route, but the local community association hopes some scenic images of the area may get residents to slow down and see the beauty of the neighbourhood.

This Saturday, the Blenkinsop Valley Community Association hosts its second annual Artists in the Valley show, a unique collaboration between artists and locals to put a spotlight on the Blenkinsop area. The art show pairs farmers with painters, photographers and sculptors, who aim to capture the essence of the Blenkinsop Valley.

“This is a way of bringing a visual voice to the valley,” said BVCA member Illarion Gallant. “We talked about ways of highlighting the valley to the community, but also to the City of Victoria. With my background, I said, ‘Well, let’s have an art show, let’s get artists working with farmers to talk about the more intimate locations in the valley.’”

Gallant said most motorists use Blenkinsop Road to get from A to B and may not take in the scenery. Through the art show, he hopes people will see parts of the Blenkinsop Valley that they may have missed.

“People zip on it, zip off it. They’re on their way to somewhere, so generally, they don’t really slow down and get a sense of what the valley has to offer.”

In addition to Gallant, this year’s artists include Leslie Bell, Heather Caldwell, Ruth Currey, Sandra Doore, Dennis Evans, Gerald Fleming, Blair and Kelly Ketcheson, Sandy Rossignol, Agnes Ruest, Twyla Rusnak and Hermann Valentin Schmitt.

Gallant estimated 50 or 60 pieces will be on display, with the artists’ works for sale.

“This is a great opportunity for the artists to spend the time to depict the valley and they should get a fair return for the time that they invest,” he said.

The Nov. 21 art show will be held at the Club House Upper Lounge of the Royal Oak Golf Club, 560 Marsett Pl. The show runs from noon to 5 p.m., and the artists will be in attendance to discuss their work. Light refreshments will be available.


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