Bocephus King has a song for everyone on new CD

Jita's Cafe welcoming a singer

Jita’s Café is welcoming a man passionate about music on August 16.  Bocephus King will be coming to town to share his highly anticipated fifth CD.

Jamie Perry, also known as Bocephus King, has been surrounded by music for as long as he can remember.

“There were a lot of musicians around me. [Playing music] just seemed like a possibility, and when you turn 12-13 and start thinking about what you want to be, I thought I could be a priest, detective or musician. The least school was musician.”

Perry then focused his attention on his new found passion and began learning the ropes. At the age of 17, the singer was already playing gigs in bars and as he grew older his music followed his experiences.

Perry said that although he has been through Golden before on previous tours, this is his first time playing here.

“We know Jita and Trevor from folk festivals. They’re really great people and I just assume the rest of Golden is the same way.”

Bocephus King has a song for everyone and said his music reflects life experiences and general observations. He explained that music touches everyone.

“The energy music brings and its healing force is great. What is so addicting is it’s fun and it’s good. It connects you to where you are from. Music isn’t necessarily from here, it is a sign there is something bigger than this. Something magical.”

Perry currently has five albums out, four of which were released seven years ago.

“At the end of my last record seven years ago, I didn’t really know why I was playing music. I was just sort of doing it, and I really went back and started figuring out what I wanted to do and what I wanted to play.  I spent a lot of time with different musicians that were really pure about what they were doing and incorporated that into what I was doing.”

Perry’s inspiration has come back and the artist who has toured Europe as well as Canada is back on the road. His fifth album is a continuation of the fouth, titled “All Children Believe in Heaven”. His new album is said to be “more contemporary” and delves into Perry’s life.

If you would like to experience the sounds of Bocephus King, drop by Jita’s on August 16 at 7:30 p.m.

Golden Star