Body image activist Taryn Brumfitt.

Body image activist Taryn Brumfitt.

Body awareness movement movie to screen in Fernie

Goddess Rising will screen ‘Embrace’ a body awareness documentary on March 7 at the Arts Station. The film starts at 7 p.m.

Goddess Rising will screen ‘Embrace’ a body awareness documentary on March 7 at the Arts Station. The film starts at 7 p.m.

This will be a pre-event fundraiser for the International Women’s Day celebration on Saturday, March 11, which is taking place from 9 to 4 p.m. at the Fernie Community Centre.

Embrace is body image activist Taryn Brumfitt’s first feature film, which she wrote, produced and directed after an unconventional ‘before and after’ photo she posted in 2013 was seen over 100 million times and sparked an international media frenzy. Embrace is told from the point of view of Brumfitt as she traverses the globe talking to experts, women in the street and well-known personalities about the alarming rates of body image issues that are seen in people of all body types.

She interviews Ricki Lake, Amanda de Cadenet, Jeffrey Madoff, Dr. Linda Bacon, Mia Freedman and more.

“I felt really compelled to make the film because so many people had reached out to me,” said Brumfitt. “When I read those 7000 emails it wasn’t just females from 35 to 45 years of

age that wrote to me it was people from all walks of life sharing their stories of body image issues.”

“This isn’t a fluffy, body image piece that gets tacked on to the end of a news segment, this is an issue that’s affecting millions of people every single day.”

Rachel Cline, Goddess Rising co- organizer said that, “the main reason for choosing this film is that ‘Body Image’ was a theme that was raised again and again as a barrier that the teenage girls, in the valley, that apply for the Young Women’s Scholarship quoted as an issue for them. We were so shocked that this was such a common theme for young women today that we knew we had to show a movie that was relevant to them”.

The film was released in Canada on February 18 and this is a regional premier

of the movie. For more information visit:

Tickets are by donation, but must be reserved in advance of the showing, this can be done via this website

For more information about Goddess Rising or the scholarship contact Cline, at 250-946-6322 or visit

The Free Press