Bonnie and Clyde are coming to steal the stage

While a Broadway play is a difficult undertaking for anyone, let alone high-school students, they nonetheless soldier on.

Music. Acting. Crime. Firearms. High-pitched screeching. Things pleasant and unpleasant, usually as discrete as peanut butter and chocolate prior to the invention of Reese’s Pieces. But now, under the direction of Tessa Wiseman and Patrick Macgibbon, they are mashed together in the only slightly  unholy matrimony of a play known as Bonnie and Clyde.

Originally written by somebody from Broadway whose name slipped my mind like an oily fish, Bonnie and Clyde speaks (and sings, naturally) of the adventures and crimes of the titular Bonnie Elizabeth Parker and Clyde Chestnut (hah) Barrow as they careen around America. The play will be performed May 9, by the Nakusp Secondary School’s musical theatre class.

While a Broadway play is a difficult undertaking for anyone, let alone high-school students, they nonetheless soldier on. Not only must they dress up in costume and prance about dramatically, they must sing. As anyone who has ever been a teenager knows, the mere prospect of that is mortifying.

If I had to scratchily wheeze the lyrics to what most would otherwise call a “song,” I’d most likely keel over in embarrassment. Of course, the actors’ singing will (hopefully) be substantially better, but the point still stands: It’s not easy.

With that kind of mediating remark, you’d think you were being set up for some kind of disappointment.

The “good news” before the doctor tells you your son has three extra legs; but no, not at all. While it would be good to have some perspective before your viewing of the play, it won’t be necessary. You see, what was seen at a practice session of the play last Thursday was impressive indeed. Not that it was without flaws; it wasn’t, but keeping in mind that it was a practice, it was surprisingly smooth sailing.

The acting was, with a little prodding by Mrs. Wiseman, better than expected, and the song numbers weren’t even excruciating! That’s quite an achievement. The only thing noticed was a slight lack of enthusiasm in some of the actors, which caused a slight “my school singing ‘Oh Canada’” effect; Also known as the “I don’t feel like it, ugh” syndrome. Still, what can you expect during school hours? Education is the kryptonite of a young mind’s enthusiasm, experts say.*

Disclaimer: No experts have ever said that. Except me.

“Still,” you may say, “this is all hyperbole, you’re just rooting for the home team. Why should I go and see the play?” First of all, thank you for providing that great setup, hypothetical reader I created for that exact purpose! Second of all, I’ll tell you why: Isn’t crime exciting? Isn’t singing far, far less exciting?

Well, what about the two combined? 1.2 times exciting, that’s what! You haven’t seen bank robbery until it’s accompanied by a merry, foot-tapping beat. You’ve never really enjoyed a Schwarzenegger movie until you’ve set it to Darryl Hall and John Oates’ Greatest Hits. Perhaps you will never enjoy a Schwarzenegger movie like that, which might be a good thing. Top Gun was immortalized for two things: shirtless volleyball games that made everybody question Tom Cruise’s sexuality and Highway to the Danger Zone, the latter of which is relevant to this paragraph.

But I digress. What I’m saying, in perhaps too many overwrought words, is that it’ll be entertaining. I swear upon Mr. Cruise’s favourite religion, it’ll be worth your while.

Whether or not you’ve seen the movie, or the original musical, go to the show. It probably wouldn’t hurt to check out the other two plays, either. I mean, who doesn’t like a little entertainment?


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