Book highlights Island’s early maps

Michael Layland will present an illustrated talk on his new book The Land of Heart’s Delight: Early Maps and Charts of Vancouver Island

Michael Layland will present an illustrated talk on his new book The Land of Heart’s Delight: Early Maps and Charts of Vancouver Island on Nov. 19.

The talk begins 7 p.m. at the Courtenay and District Museum.

Layland will discuss how studying the early maps of an area can bring insight into diverse aspects of its history, illustrating this by drawing on examples from some of the maps included in the book.

Layland was born and educated in England and trained as an officer and map-maker in the Royal Engineers.

He serves as the current president of the Friends of the BC Archives and is on the committee of the Historical Map Society of BC. He is also a member of the Society for the History of Discoveries and the International Map Collectors’ Society.

Copies of the book will be available for purchase and signing after the lecture.

Advance tickets are recommended and can be purchased by phone.

The Courtenay and District Museum is at 207 Fourth St. in downtown Courtenay. For details, phone 250-334-0686.

— Courtenay and District Museum

Comox Valley Record