Mary L. Peers will be greeting readers and signing copies of her book, The Wisdom of Wood, Saturday at Coho Books on Shoppers Row.

Mary L. Peers will be greeting readers and signing copies of her book, The Wisdom of Wood, Saturday at Coho Books on Shoppers Row.

Book signing with visiting fantasy author

Mary L. Peers will be at Coho Books on Shoppers Row Saturday

Local fantasy readers will have the chance to meet with visiting author Mary L. Peers Saturday, Sept. 19. Her book, The Wisdom of Wood, centers on the mythology surrounding an ancient ring discovered in England, and a prophecy passed down through generations.

A writer since childhood, Peers has studied various languages as well as pictorial symbolism in art, mythology and dreams. Her interest in mythology led her to fiction writing, where she creates a world steeped in Celtic wisdom and lore.  It is a world where trees have their own language and nine ancient priestesses each has a part to play in a young woman’s quest to fulfill her destiny.

Peers will be greeting readers and signing books at Coho Books, 1074 Shoppers Row, from 10:30 a.m. to noon tomorrow.

For more information go to or call 250-287-2336.

Campbell River Mirror