Located 80 kms west of town, China Knows (or China Nose) is a moderate three km hike.

Located 80 kms west of town, China Knows (or China Nose) is a moderate three km hike.

Bored? Want to go for a hike?

Located 80 kms west of town, China Knows (or China Nose) is a moderate three km hike.

Located 80 kms west of town, China Knows (or China Nose) is a moderate three km hike.

From Burns Lake, head west along Hwy. 16 for 71 kms and turn left onto McKilligan Road, which becomes Heading Creek FSR. From there you will turn onto Heading East FSR, and the trailhead is about 4 kms after a small bridge.

The trail meanders through the charred trees left behind by last summer’s wildfire. One small steep section requires careful attention, but the rest of the hour and a half hike is easy and affords panoramic views of the area – you might even be kept company by one of the resident mountain goats. The cliffs are not fenced and there are large fissures in the area – use caution.

For more info stop by the Visitor Centre and remember to #visitburnslake for a chance to be featured on our social media channels.


Burns Lake Lakes District News