From left: Kyra Moore, Drayven High, and Rebekah Loranger emerged as the three prize winners following the Cowichan Valley School District’s poetry slam. 

From left: Kyra Moore, Drayven High, and Rebekah Loranger emerged as the three prize winners following the Cowichan Valley School District’s poetry slam. (submitted)

Brave students take the plunge in Poetry Slam

Speaking in public is enough of a challenge but these brave poets presented their own work

On Wednesday, May 31, about two dozen students, parents, and community members met in the Chemainus Secondary School Library Learning Commons to take part in Cowichan Speaks.

OK, Cowichan Speaks quite a bit, but what is this one in particular?

It’s the Cowichan Valley School District’s fourth annual poetry slam competition.

Two weeks earlier, students had a chance to learn more about spoken word performance and hone their skills before competing in the district slam.

But, they weren’t just speaking poetry. They were speaking their own poetry.

On May 31, eight brave students performed their own original work for an appreciative audience and panel of judges.

Top prize of a medal and $50 gift card was awarded to Rebekah Loranger. The second place medal and $30 gift card went to Drayven High, and Kyra Moore earned the third place medal and a $20 gift card.

Organizer, Sheri Kinney, teacher-librarian at Cowichan Secondary School, commented that “the quality of the competitors this year was stunning. It’s really quite amazing to watch these young people craft a brilliant poem, then stand up and perform it in a stressful setting. They are ones to watch!”

Cowichan Valley Citizen