Activist singer Brian Rosen (centre) recently released the music video for 'Right Upon the Hour', which was filmed by Jonathan Robinson (left). Rosen recently relaunched his act with Ness Popoff (right), Jesse Lee and James Lamb (not pictured).

Activist singer Brian Rosen (centre) recently released the music video for 'Right Upon the Hour', which was filmed by Jonathan Robinson (left). Rosen recently relaunched his act with Ness Popoff (right), Jesse Lee and James Lamb (not pictured).

Brian Rosen releases activist anthem

"Right Upon the Hour" urges action on climate disruption, is the first single from newly formed quartet.

Kootenay singer Brian Rosen believes we’re running out of time to grapple meaningfully with the growing effects of climate disruption, and his latest activist anthem urges Nelsonites to do something before it’s too late.

“I’m not saying we need to start a revolution,” he sings on Right Upon the Hour. “I’m just saying we have to find a solution. I’m not saying we need a higher power. I’m saying we’re sitting right upon the hour.”

The track is the latest from Rosen, who has been playing music in Nelson since 2007. He recently reformed his accompanying band the WhatNow after a shakeup, and the latest incarnation features his long-time bassist Jesse Lee along with James Lamb and Ness Popoff.

For the video, Rosen teamed up with local filmmaker Jonathan Robinson after seeing his video for Sofiella Watt’s Junkyard Bettie. They shot it in a local studio in a single day.

“I wanted him to capture us being serious about making this song, because it’s a fairly serious topic. It’s an accumulation of a lot of the ideas and points about what’s really going on with the world right now,” said Rosen.

“We’ve got Harper trying to mess with Canada, they’re trying to frack everywhere, and living for this sort of financial abundance is going to make it harder for future generations. The gist of the song is there’s no more looking away from what’s actually happening. Here’s the problem, we’ve acknowledged it, now we’re going to have to deal with it.”

Rosen compared the situation to that of someone who has had their pants unexpectedly pulled down.

“Everything is being exposed,” he said.

Robinson said it was a no-brainer to team with Rosen, as he’s already passionate about environmental justice and was looking for musicians to collaborate with.

“These are the kind of people I want to get behind. Here’s another artist who wants to speak directly to these issues and be involved in the community at that level,” he said.

“They’re very talented artists, and to go into that studio surrounded by people who are individually known for what they do…I was dialed. It makes you bring your A game too.”

Rosen said he was thrilled with the result.

“When I watched the video for the first time, the song sounded better. That definitely boosted our stoke.”

Robinson has future collaborations in the works with local musicians and literary artists. For more information check out ilovedjwho on YouTube.


Nelson Star