Busy Christmas season in Burns Lake

Lots of events are taking place this Christmas season in Burns Lake

Community market Christmas fair

The community market Christmas fair takes place on Nov. 26, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at the Heritage Room, across fromthe College of New Caledonia.

Come and see what small businesses have to offer. For more information, phone the Burns Lake and District Chamber ofCommerce at 250-692-3773, or e-mail admin@burnslakechamber.com

Omineca Ski Club’s open house

The open house at the Omineca Ski Club will take place on Nov. 26. This is your chance to register for cross-country skiingthis season and purchase new and used ski equipment. For more information, go to the ski club’s website athttp://ominecaskiclub.ca

Fraser Lake fair

Fraser Lakes’ snowflake tea and Christmas craft fair/home-based business fair will take place on Nov. 19 and 20 at the FraserLake Elementary Secondary School’s gym. To rent tables or for more information, contact Richard Cannon at 250-699-8697.

Open mic coffee house

The third ‘open mic coffee house’ of a series this fall and winter will be held on Friday evening, Dec. 2. Doors open at 6:30p.m. and the coffee house starts at 7 p.m.

The coffee house provides an evening of live entertainment featuring local performers, and is a drop-in performance event atthe Heritage Room, next to the Burns Lake Visitor Centre.

Performers are admitted free; audience members pay $5. All profits go to the Lakes Animal Friendship Society. For moreinformation, contact Jim Loeb at james_loeb@hotmail.com

Community choir’s Christmas concert

The Lakes District Community Choir’s annual Christmas concert will be on Sunday, Dec. 11, at 2:30 p.m. at the ImmaculataChurch on Third Avenue.

There will be special guests, sing alongs including the Hallelujah Chorus, and delicious refreshments in the intermission.Admission is by donation. We hope you’ll also plan to attend this Lakes District holiday tradition.

LDAC accepting scholarship applications

Applications are now being accepted for the Lakes District Arts Council (LDAC) scholarship.

To be eligible, a student must be attending Grade 12 in the Lakes District, demonstrate an involvement in the arts and acommitment to pursue post-secondary education in the arts.

For more information, phone Hilda Earl, scholarship committee chair at 250-691-1793, look for LDAC’s ad in the LakesDistrict News, or e-mail Hilda at hilda.13@telus.net


Burns Lake Lakes District News