Three stars from BVCS' upcoming production of Bye Bye Birdie.

Three stars from BVCS' upcoming production of Bye Bye Birdie.

BVCS presents Bye Bye Birdie

Play takes place in early May at the Della Herman Theatre

The costumes are made, the rehearsals are in full swing and  the set is coming together as BVCS high school students prepare to act, sing and dance for the community in their production of Bye Bye Birdie, which takes place early next month at the Della Herman Theatre.

“It’s a musical that pokes fun at celebrity culture,” director Chris Steenhof said. “It’s definitely lighter fare, there is so much humour in it and the music is excellent.”

Though the show itself may be lighthearted, the cast and crew’s approach has been anything but. They’ve been working hard for months.

The entire musical will be sung live and the cast will be accompanied by a live band. The show features a cast of 60 and has almost everyone from the BVCS high school involved in the production.

“We have about 85 per cent participation,” Steenhof said. “Almost all the kids are either in the cast or the crew and almost all the teachers are involved as well.”

Steenhof is hoping that the community will come out to support the show.

“We put this on for the community as a whole. We have always gotten support from the larger community in the past and we are hoping a lot of people will come out.”

If the cast’s opinions are any indication, the show will be enjoyable for all.

“I’ve never done anything like this before and it’s all been a lot of fun,” Abi Vandenberg, who plays Rosie Alvarez said. “See everything come together is really rewarding.”

Bye Bye Birdie will play for two consecutive weekends at the Della Herman Theatre on May 2 and 3 and May 9 and 10 at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets are $10 available at BVCS and at the door.


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