CACSP embarks on a new name for Saanich Peninsula

ArtSea will be the name used for many of CACSP’s Peninsula arts events

Members of the community browse at the Sidney Fine Art Show.

Members of the community browse at the Sidney Fine Art Show.

The Community Arts Council of the Saanich Peninsula (CACSP) is holding a re-branding event to introduce a new name, a name that the community already knows: ArtSea.

“We embarked this year as a board to look at our organization and we had decided that we needed to embark on a strategic plan,” said Diane Thorp, president of CACSP’s ArtSea.

Thorp said the group worked with consultant Patricia Huntsman, who walked them through the process of looking at their organization. Thorp said CACSP was one of those things that’s been looked at for a while now.

“It does actually totally identify what we are and our geographic area but it (CACSP) doesn’t roll off the tongue easily, and it doesn’t lend itself to putting the word out,” she said.

After looking at a variety of options, they realized they’d had the ArtSea Festival for quite a few years on the Peninsula and decided on ArtSea as the new name.

Their legal name, Thorp said is still CACSP, which they will still use.

“That is our legal name, so if we are applying for grants or any of our signage all of that is the Community Arts Council of the Saanich Peninsula.”

The name ArtSea will be used for the gallery, which is the name of the arts council now, the ArtSea Festival, ArtSea Artisans and so on. Thorp said when people hear ArtSea, they will think of the ArtSea Festival or the Sidney Fine Art Show and Studio Tour.

“It all combines all of the projects that we’re doing and brings the community together so it’s a little bit more understandable …” said Thorp.

The Annual General Meeting will begin April 6 at 7 p.m. and the re-branding will take place at 8 p.m. at the ArtSea Gallery at Tulista Park.

“This re-branding involves not just the logo, it’s also a whole new website that we’re going to launch on the day of the re-branding,” said Lesley Turner, vice-president of ArtSea.

Also taking place April 6 will be a look at Taste of Tulista preview show, which is a week long exhibition running April 4 to 9 of the artists who are going to be exhibiting over the next year.

“They’ll have a few samples of their work, some promotional material and their bios and that sort of thing,” said Turner.

Turner said they will also be switching to a governing board or working board, which will be elected April 6.

There will also be a chance for those interested to meet the ArtSea directors, program committees and member groups.

story text created on Wednesday 3/29/2017 at 11:25:24 am by Carlie Connolly

Peninsula News Review