Calendars help Heiltsuk

Maple Ridge artist selling 2017 calendars for the Heiltsuk Nation.

Maple Ridge artist in residence Robi Smith is selling the calendars to help with the recovery after a diesel spill.

Maple Ridge artist in residence Robi Smith is selling the calendars to help with the recovery after a diesel spill.

Maple Ridge artist in residence Robi Smith is selling calendars to support a community’s recovery efforts after a diesel spill near Bella Bella.

The 2017 calendar will feature 12 prints of mixed media paintings, by Smith, of British Columbia’s coastline and the diversity of species that live underwater.

Ten per cent from the sale of each calendar will go to the Heiltsuk Nation, where the oil spill contaminated their territorial waters in October.

The spill closed their clam harvesting beds, an economic and food source for the people.

Smith is hoping that by sharing her work, awareness will be raised about the issues facing small coastal communities in British Columbia, especially as the debate over oil pipelines and tanker traffic heats up.

So far, she has raised $400 for the First Nations community.

• To purchase a calendar, call 604-928-4284 or go to

Maple Ridge News