Calling all Cariboo artists

Parkside Art Gallery looking for exhibition proposals

Parkside Art Gallery is looking for exhibition proposals for 2017.

Open only for South Cariboo Arts & Culture Society members, the gallery selection committee is looking to set up the gallery display schedule with creative and diverse artwork.

There will be 100 feet of horizontal display space available for artists who are accepted.

Those looking to submit proposals must follow several guidelines in order to be considered,

Artist and contact information must be provided.

A visual documentation of the work(s) on CD or DVD must be sent to the gallery. The photos must be of good quality and a four-by-six aspect ratio.

Information concerning name, size, year produced, and medium must be provided for each image.

A 500-word proposal, including the artist’s statement and project description along with curriculum vitae must also be submitted.

The gallery requires the submission be sent in a self-addressed envelope to ensure the return of the artist’s material. Otherwise, the submission can be picked up at Parkside Art Gallery after process.

The gallery selection committee will choose from among the submissions and notify selected artists by December 1. Selected applicants will be sent contractual information upon approval.

Applications can be sent to Parkside Art Gallery, Attn: Gallery Committee, P.O. Box 1210, 401 Cedar Ave., 100 Mile House, B.C. V0K 2E0.

A single proposal will be $15 while a family or group membership is $25. Exhibition fees are not covered by the gallery.

A 25 per cent commission rate will be charged on all sales.

100 Mile House Free Press