Calver documentary to be screened on Quadra

Richard Calver: A Life in Print, was created by Ken Blackburn of the Campbell River Art Council and Marjorie Greaves of Shaw TV

Fresh off its debut screening in Campbell River, a documentary on the life and work of Quadra Island artist Richard Calver is coming to his home community Wednesday, April 22, at Quadra Library.

Richard Calver: A Life in Print, was created by Ken Blackburn of the Campbell River Art Council and Marjorie Greaves of Shaw TV. The 40-minute film gives viewers a glimpse into Calver’s creative process and inspiration. The film premiered with a screening in February at Campbell River Art Gallery.

Calver was born in England in 1946 and moved to Canada at age 19, settling on Quadra Island. The turning point in his artistic life came in his 30s when he met renowned artist Sybil Andrews in Campbell River.

Andrews is famous worldwide for her linocuts – a printmaking technique in which a sheet of linoleum is used for the relief surface. Inspired and encouraged by Andrews, Calver soon became more serious about his art and purchased his own linocut tools.

Campbell River Mirror