Dancers from Solstice Studio will once again be performing at this year’s Rotary Honours Concert on March 1 at the Tidemark Theatre, as will many other wonderful young performing artists. Photo by Mike Davies/Campbell River Mirror

Dancers from Solstice Studio will once again be performing at this year’s Rotary Honours Concert on March 1 at the Tidemark Theatre, as will many other wonderful young performing artists. Photo by Mike Davies/Campbell River Mirror

Campbell River Rotary Honours Concert tickets now available

Get your tickets for the free performances at Tidemark Theatre March 1 while you still can

It’s almost time to once again pack the Tidemark Theatre and celebrate, encourage and marvel at our amazing young arts talent here in Campbell River.

The annual Rotary Honours Concert is a showcase of local dance, music and performing arts amongst our city’s youth, put on by Campbell River Rotary as one of their many gifts to the community.

“These are some of the top young performers in Campbell River and we’re very proud to support their personal and professional success,” says last year’s event MC Gary McLelan. “One of the things I think that people maybe don’t appreciate is how rich in culture and arts we are – especially in our young people. We have so many different groups that participate in various forms of music and dancing and First Nations events and culture. It’s a very, very unique community we have.”

This year’s concert takes place on Sunday, March 1 from 2 to 4 p.m.

The concert was the brainchild of Susie Moscovich and her husband Michael, who moved to the area in 2001 from Vancouver to retire, and got to work supporting the local arts scene.

RELATED: Rotary Honours Concert celebrates dedication to the arts

They started by hosting “black tie optional” events at their home to raise money for a music scholarship for SD72 (Campbell River) and SD71 (Comox Valley) students. The enthusiasm they saw from those who wanted to support the effort led them to expand the idea into a concert the whole community could come out and enjoy.

This year’s event will feature dancers from Kathy Mascia School of Dance, Solstice Studio, CR DanceXtreme and Studio North Dance, as well as performances by RainCoast School of Musical Theatre, pianist Kate Choi, the Carihi Jazz Band, as well as Kai Bailey and Trevor Potorieko, two of Campbell River’s most talented classical guitarists – of any age.

Tickets for the event, as always, are free of charge, but must be reserved at the Tidemark Box Office and there is a limit of four per household.

The event packs the house of the Tidemark every year, so get your tickets while you can by calling the Tidemark at 250-287-7465 or by emailing

Or you can stop in at the theatre from noon to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday.

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