The Red and White; the Maple Leaf; the Canadian Flag

The Red and White; the Maple Leaf; the Canadian Flag

Canada Day at Fort Rodd Hill

Around noon, Fort Rodd Hill will host a 21-gun salute to honour the nation, before honouring retired Colonel Art Sherwin

I hear there is something special about this weekend? Something to do with confederation and whatnot?

I’m kidding. It’s Canada Day, most of us get Monday off, it’s time to watch some fireworks, eat some barbeque and celebrate living in one heck of a great country.

For folks on the West Shore that means one thing, heading out to Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Site for their annual celebration.

There will be live music, fun filled activities for adults and children alike and Canada Day’s “biggest birthday cake.”

Around noon the fort will host a 21-gun salute to honour the nation, before honouring retired Colonel Art Sherwin. Now in his late 80s, Sherwin served at the fort during the Second World War. He will be there to take part in the celebration, meet people and chat.

Admission to the festivities is free, as is a piece of the cake. So you can’t lose.

Of course if you’re aching for the fireworks you’ll want to head downtown to the Inner Harbour.

The sparkly explosions are scheduled to start at 11:20 p.m. on July 1, but leading up to it will be live music, food venders and activies on the Legislature lawn.

To get there from the West Shore take the No. 50 bus to save yourself the hassle of parking.

So Happy Canada Day to all. Have fun out there.

Goldstream News Gazette