Anna Betuzzi performing a sonatina at the Arts Fest Recital in February. File photo.

Anna Betuzzi performing a sonatina at the Arts Fest Recital in February. File photo.

Canada Music Week Recital coming Nov. 25

A lot of Canadian composers to be featured

By Ginny-Lou Alexander

Every year the 100 Mile Festival of the Arts hosts a Canada Music Week Recital in November near the time of St. Cecelia’s birthday (Nov. 22).

Since she is the patron saint of music, the Canadian Music Centre has decided that it is a good time to celebrate Canadian music composers.

That being said, the recital this year will feature a lot of Canadian composers (but not all) and authors (speech artists).

There will be a variety in the recital, with vocalists, pianists and speech arts performers. The ages of the performers will vary from young to older, thus adding to the excitement of the


One necessary, but not always thought of, ingredient in any performance is the need to have an audience, the larger the better!

So, make your plans today to come out and support our students, and have a very enjoyable late afternoon.

The recital begins at 4 p.m. at the Evangelical Free Church (across from the movie theatre) on Saturday, Nov. 25.

For more information check out our website or call Ginny-Lou Alexander at 250-395-


100 Mile House Free Press