Folk singer John McLachlan is performing at the Capitol Theatre as part of its Homegrown Season. Photo submitted

Folk singer John McLachlan is performing at the Capitol Theatre as part of its Homegrown Season. Photo submitted

Capitol Theatre looks to homegrown talent for new season

The theatre is running 35 shows through March

Submitted by Capitol Theatre

The Capitol Theatre is ready to welcome patrons back starting in October with the launch of its Homegrown Season!

Putting a season together this year has been a bit different for Capitol staff, and they are excited to present this roster of artists for a close-to-home season. After a robust response to their call for performers in the region, the Capitol has put together a season of 23 performers, plus eight Nelson Cultural Ambassador alumni and a few touring solo artists for a total of 35 shows running through to March

Functioning within the COVID-19 protocols at the theatre means that there is a 50-person audience capacity, and mask wearing is mandatory. Ticket buyers will notice a difference when buying tickets online — their booked seats will include a buffer of additional seats to ensure physical distancing during the show. The health and safety of patrons, volunteers and staff are a priority at the Capitol, and they are very pleased to get back to what they do best; getting performers on stage in front of an audience. This will be a more intimate experience with the reduced audience numbers, and shows will sell out faster!

Ticket sales have begun for the two shows in October — singer/songwriter Tenise Marie performs Oct. 3 and folk singer/storyteller John McLachlan hits the stage Oct. 17 — with the rest of the season rolling out within the next week. Starting in November, there will be a consistent two shows per week on Thursday and Saturday.

The Capitol Theatre is still waiting for the arrival of their live-stream camera. Stay tuned for opportunities to watch from home in the coming months once we fold that into the performances.

Everyone at the Capitol is excited to welcome the community into their safe and enjoyable space. Besides the physical distancing floor dots and hand sanitizer stations that we have all become accustomed to out in the world, the Capitol’s newly renovated bathrooms are now sporting completely touchless fixtures throughout. They are ready!

For information on upcoming events or to buy tickets online, please visit their website at

Nelson Star