Cariboo Idol 2012 spreading its wings

In addition to the 100 Mile House area, the Cariboo Idol 2012 contest will encompass WIlliams Lake talent this year

South Cariboo Idol grows to become Cariboo Idol in 2012 with the blanket of eligibility to cover singing artists in the Williams Lake area as well as the South Cariboo.

South Cariboo Idol grows to become Cariboo Idol in 2012 with the blanket of eligibility to cover singing artists in the Williams Lake area as well as the South Cariboo.

The South Cariboo Idol singing contest is taking a new direction in 2012 – dropping the South and expanding northward to include music artists in the Williams Lake area.

Only the word, “south” is being eliminated from the contest name, making it Cariboo Idol, with eligibility to compete going out to those living in the South Cariboo and Williams Lake, plus the area between the two centres.

Idols producer Rob Fry says the reason for the change is to attract a greater number of serious musicians.

“We’re looking for Cariboo song-writing, performing artists to enter. I hope to see auditioners come through the door with a guitar in their hand or with an accompanist.”

People are still welcome to audition with pre-recorded music, Fry says, adding he recognizes the talent pool is strong.

The prize structure this year will also be new, with cash prizes going to the top 3, but the real incentive being airplay of the top 10 finalists’ material on his Cariboo Radio Internet radio station.

“We’ll have a platform where they can be heard on a daily basis in the Cariboo and worldwide. Most artists struggle and it’s hard to get recognition when they’re just starting out.”

Contest auditions are May 14-17, and from those who tryout, 10 finalists will be chosen to continue on the next leg of the Idols journey.

This trip includes performing with the group at no less than seven public events, which will take place in both 100 Mile House and Williams Lake.

There will be opportunities for live interviews and performances on Cariboo Radio, Fry says, and also to have material recorded and then played on a daily basis on the radio station.

A big component of the contest is promoting Cariboo artists, he adds, and that getting involved will give artists a feel for the entertainment world.

“The Cariboo is full of talent, but a lot of it is hiding.”

Registration forms will be out soon in 100 Mile House at Donex, Work n Play and the South Cariboo Rec. Centre.

In Williams Lake, the forms can be picked up at Sight & Sound and Audio Video Unlimited.

The application forms can also be printed from the radio website,

Contestants will have to bring their completed registration forms to the auditions along with a $10 cash fee, and on May 18, the top 10 will be announced.

The following evening, each of the finalists will perform at the big “Louisiana Hayride, In Story and Song” concert at the South Cariboo Rec. Centre.

The concert will serve to kick off the Cariboo Idols contest and celebrate Western Week in 100 Mile House.


100 Mile House Free Press